As as Marketing exercise the above picture just about sums it all up.... the simple iconography of meet the demons ecapuslates the whole feeling I have about them. Barclays behave in a way that is simply ghastly, it harms their clients or traps them in a world a servitude. It's a #predatorymortgagecrisis in the making they couldn't give a shit about their customer or how the world sees Barclays to them it's just business as normal. 10 years and now we're just about getting to the point when someone is going to have to answer, however they choose silence....
That image meet the demons sums them up, beautifully it says everything about them.... Choosing Barclays as a business partner, bank, financial advisor or in whatever roll.... is simply inviting a "Vampire into your home....!"
I find it kinda amusing that they've stopped people from posting directly onto their posts, I presuem this is to limit what is actually fair comment about them as a service provider.... in the same way other businesses leave these comments open to enable clients to give honest fair and current views of them... Barclays obviously thinks that fair honest comments about their services are not part of the modern world and that clients interactions should be limited to being one way traffic.... from Barclays to the world.... the reality isn't exactly like that...
My recent little info drop on their FB page... just incase they delete my fair comment and simple questions which deserve an answer in my opinion.
