All I want is the data, now it's a game of hide and seek against the clock to find the stuff...
It's ridiculous, this has been going on for nearly 15 years it's taken 2 years to get an audio recording and now..... this nonsense.... #comsumerexpirience is zero with this bunch of calculating scumbags, who at every turn it seems have tried to evade having to provide the answers.

So I guess it's another complaint to the #ombudsman and the #ICO and most importantly as I'm disabled they'll be getting a #discrimination #complaint.
If I treated an employee with this amount of distain, I be up infront of a #tribunal, yet a high street bank can do what they like and claim it's me, yup they closed my account without warning and that's my fault, they refused to discuss this and yup it's my fault... They sent a person to threaten me into some sort of compliance....
Guess we'll get to wait to see how this pans out....