Pretty bad form from #Barclays make an appointment and follow it up with an email... Then forget to actually carryout the promised action... so it's just more lies and false advertising.... #CustomerExpirience
email as sent to me by #Barclays to set up the call today.....

This is me... ready....

I also have a pen and some paper, just nobody to talk to.... they've got 2 minutes and I'll be calling them.... then posting this to the CEO's LinkedIn

Just ended a call with the complaints team, (will be posting that once I process the audio) the booked call "well" it's a flexible time not bang on 10.30
However #MyLife runs like clockwork and now, I'm being held up again from being able to move forward.... I even have a pen and paper... and I'm at my desk.... "15 years I've waited for calls, like this to apparently discuss the issues at hand!" which we all know they caused when I was #debanked
The problem, is simple if you can't put your self in the position of the injured party. Then you can't really or effectively negotiate, a position from which to move forward
Will be scanning the letter that shows apparently they have, no knowledge of my accounts and so can't have #debanked me... which is yet another lie from #BarclaysUK Bank #LifeAtBarclays must be a piece of piss... cos whatever normal #business do, they don't #BigPictureBanking does not include #clients and #ThisIsMe for the time being 10.58

Below letter dated 30th April 2024 third paragraph in
Luke Ash, advised in letter of 4th April that a letter dated 18th April 2022 that We have no record of you holding a business account with #Barclays please see the next picture

Below is a letter sent to the company I operated from 2000 till it was debanked by Barclays in 2010/11 after my near fatal accident in 2009.... the letter is dated 2005 it shows the bank account details and reference number now sent back to #Barclays which suggest the statement in the letter of the 30th April 2024 is false. Which lays out that they could not have #debanked me if no acccounts existed. So does it appear to be false? Or we could call them a #liars....? Or better still if no accounts ever existed then there can't be any contract in place so they owe me the money I gave them...? from 2001 till 2010/11 which is in the region of 1.5-2.2million pounds... plus the nearly 700K Mortgage...? and how can #Barclays be inventing debt in my name if I didn't have an account...? Are you a bunch of idiots...?

All of which makes me wonder would you trust an bank that clearly has no idea where your money is, who has accounts with them and how much is in these accounts..?
It's abit dull for the first 4 mins, then it gets pretty interesting... if getting screwed out of money is a thing that interests you....