So my recent post on LinkedIn seems to have touched someone, in a specific way who then commented....
"I think how you are hounding my employer is very unprofessional!"
So let's just unpack this issue one more time for any late arrivals
2009 I nearly get killed
2010 I inform #Barclays what happened after I made enough of a recovery to be able to speak and walk
2010 to be precise 72Hours after I inform #Barclays of what happened and initially after they said "there would be support for me" they #DeBank me
2010 We have our first show down, I point out that they caused this issue, I point out to their solicitors they are now tresspassing on my claim for compensation against the people who tried to kill me
2010 #Barclays hold me liable for not paying them, after they broke the contract with me. I don't have a working bank account because they #DeBanked me
2012 my claim for compensation starts to struggle as I can't pay anyone as all my money is being held by #Barclays and I can't access my accounts and can't pay my solicitors
2017 #Barclays again tries to repossess my house, send people to intimidate me, which doesn't work too well
2017 my compensation claim fails, which was estimated at a "over 1 million pound payout!" I can't pay my legal team, mortgage, staff or run a business without access to my accounts
2017 #ombudsman finds in my favour for poor treatment by #Barclays
2017 #Ombudsman recommends that #Barclays and I negotiate to find a way out of the entrenched positions "cos I hate them!"
2018 #Barlcays claims a recommendation to negotiate is not an instruction too negotiate and so refuses to engage. I make three offers to settle this mess caused by #Barclays which are deemed reasonable by #Barclays staff
2018 #Barclays senior leadership team choose not to answer or make a counter offer.
2018 #Barclays chooses to send me a paper copy of unreadable printouts claims it's complied with the #ICO
2018 #ICO confirms that by sending something #Barclays has complied, I point out this is not in the spirit of negotiations or in good faith
2020 #Barclays sends me a threatening letter... I point out that afterall this, the power to fix this sits with them.... They fail to grasp the concept of how this started
2021 I start getting text from #Barclays claiming my account is operational but I can't access it #Barclays can't provide me with any logon details
2022 #Barclays claims they want to make changes to my account, an account I don't have, which they closed it back in 2010
2024 I'm am tired of being fucked about by #Barclays
17th of jan 2024 a #barclays employee claims that I'm not being very nice to their employer....
a quote from Ricky Gervais seems to sum up my feelings "DO JUST FUCK OFF!"
or as an alternative why not enter into the recommended negotiations, see where that leads...?
the above is an approximation of the timeline.... it's ongoing and was written as an example of Barclays inability to see the problem they caused from the perspective of the consumer...