So 3 weeks ago, in Mid December 2024. I had a call with a chap called Nick Hicks (no social media foot print no linked in profile probably not his real name) who listened to my simple statement on what had been happening. I pointed out their client #Barclays #Bank had broken the contract between themselves and me, I went on to explain further what they had been doing, as this chap was last to the party and more than likely had no idea. He's now gone to catch up with #Barclays and see what they want to do.
I explained if he Nick Hicks and #TLTSolicitors #TLTllp was appointed by #Barclays then it was in his power to #negotiate as recommended by the #Ombudsman. who found in my favour on the poor service from #Barclays and recommended negotiations
Let's see what happens
some background on TLT which all sounds very positive
taken from their corporate website for reference
"We’re your business advisers as well as your lawyers, working in step with you to protect your interests today and progress your ambitions for tomorrow."
read all about how lovely and great they are.... I'm sure there will be an update on this soon enough
Some further background, I have in the past spoken with TLT and even had some letters from them. They'd been sent before to come and get me, at the time I pointed out. I was in the middle of a legal claim and they where effectively tresspassing on it.... they excused themselves very quickly trying to cover off any liability they might have exposed themselves to.
In the meantime, #Barclays refuses to answer my questions, can't explain where my money is, but they did admit to #lying, hiding my account details from even their own staff and now don't wanna talk abut breaking the contract they had with me....
guess I'll be writing to the CEO of TLT next

email sent 5th Jan 2025
Mr. Wood,
I hope this email finds you well? I spoke to a Nick Hicks from TLT just before Christmas and gave him a summary of the last 16 years of dispute with Barclays Bank. He agreed with me this matter did need further attention and did not meet the standard format of actions taken by TLT.
He also informed me that TLT had been appointed to deal with this matter and I made the same offer as I had before to try and reach a negotiated settlement. As recommend by the Ombudsman, who found in my favour on the poor service I and my family have had from Barclays
I presume Mr. Hicks is still on his annual leave and thought I'd bring the matter to your attention. having looked at TLT corporate website and noting the below
"We’re your business advisers as well as your lawyers, working in step with you to protect your interests today and progress your ambitions for tomorrow."
all that sounds really promising.... so can you help me get the answers I've requested from Barclays on multiple occasions
why did they break their contract with me..? and what result did they expect from this action.
why was I debanked and where is my money please see the above
when would you like to start negotiations, I have made three offer to settle this now lengthy dispute and can send these over once you've had time inform yourself of the facts
Mr. Hick will have a copy of the phone call he and I had, where he agrees with me and says he will ask Barclays for more information
If you'd like a copy of the recording please let me know and I'll make one available
I look forward to reply as this matter has been dragging on and I do have things I need to get on with.
I've copied the CEO from Barclays into this email and hope you or Mr. Venkat can progress this matter. As mentioned I have made 3 offers to Barclays over the years. More importantly Hassan Abdul from Barclays agreed with me these offers are more than reasonable and would solve the problem, Barclays caused when they debanked me without any explanation. So it's not a difficult situation other than being made difficult by your clients inability to see the problem they created. All of this started when I was honest with Barclays about nearly getting killed in an industrial accident, which I believe was a triggering point for the action taken by Barclays.
I can be reached on my mobile
I have also left a voice mail on the TLT number and hope this can now be the step needed got action on a matter that is long over due for some answers.
yours respectfully
Mr. Wackan

well they've read it.... nice to see someone is working on a sunday.
