Someone on LinkedIn posted and before I could do the screen grab they'd thought better of it... and deleted the comment the claim was that my allegations where effectively just a form of attention seeking.
Well that could be true, but mostly it's based in fact, and expiriences at the hands of #Barclays, #BarclaysCustomerCare #LifeAtBarclays so it's all fair comment... Afterall the Ombudsman found in my favour and awarded a small sum for the damage we'd suffered at the hands of #BarclaysBank Which means I'm entitled to have these opinions...
The graphic shows how the viewers build up as normally I get a letter from #BarclaysHomeCare on fridays.... so we're building up for something to give me news, informantion and explanations to our 10+ years of dispute....
However mostly what turns up is just Bullshit dressed up as a passive agressive statement, that #BarclaysLegal reserve the right to start proceedings against me.... and all costs will be added to the 100K debt they invented in my name, after they closed all my accounts....
My offer to close this matter, stands as per the Ombudsmans recommendation to negotiate and find a resolution to the problem...
Which has been caused by Barclays own hand, they caused a frustrated contract to exist between us....