I posted the audio as part of my blog into the ongoing dispute the call came to me from a recognised #Barclays number on the 11th July at 08.44 total duration 14 mins I've cut the various bits out to just have the conversation left intact and you be the judge... it sounds like a #scamcall the Barclays staff has no real information about me, claims to have read the file on the dispute but can't seem to get the details right... has no authority to negotiate, is unable to transfer the call to a senior team member... which raises the question what is all that about...?

I've had other calls, all which just go round in circles, I was allowed to make adhoc payments, now they claim they didn't agree to this... they ask me for information about topic under their own control.... If this isn't a concern to the #FCA then it should be... #Barclays are just making it up as they go along.. #MortgagePrisioners or #MortgageHostage it all looks pretty similar to me and it's a simple breach of contract as far as I can tell....