Considering I was #debanked by #Barclays and they kept all my money... it's funny they choose to contact me about #SCAMS I got this yesterday telling me how the compensation scheme is going to help me...! I kid you not they'd like to talk about anything and everything other than what is the hot topic
Why was I #DeBanked without warning
This Breach of Contract is of #Barclays making not mine
What did they think would happen...?
Where is my #money....?
Why haven't #Barclays replied or come up with a counter offer to my offers to settle, as recommended by the #Ombudsman, who found paritally in my favour and ordered #Barclays to pay me #compensation and recommended #negotiations to move things forward
It's funny really, bearing in mind the stupidity of this situation sits squarely with #Barclays they started this and I'm still the victim in this matter.

I now feels as if I'm the victim of a payment scam....