So I've been working for a few days and haven't been able to do any updates, then again there's not been much to say.... Apart from #BarclaysUK claim they've answered my question.
However the answers are in the following format....
We have a USB key whoch apparently needs a Passcode to open, so a solicitor could argue that #Barclays have provided and disclosed evidence.... Sadly I've not been sent the passcode so can't open the USB drive to see the evidence.... and #Barclays has also sent to my #BarclaysBank account in box the files so I can view them electronically....
So again a #Solicitor could argue #Barclays have sent the information, however on closer examination. I don't have a #Barclays Bank account not since they closed it with any information as to why... Therefore I can't open or see that information either.... So we have a stale mate again brought about by #Barclays...
The #FinancialConductAuthority has some pretty simple guidance on how customers should be treated... and again #Barclays chooses to do soemthing that is neither chicken or fish....
Guess I'll have to wait for Friday, then report them back to the the Ombudsman service as this is just silly now...