It's coming along nicely, I've got a small set of members that come back... for updates..

15 years of dispute, and two years on the blog... and I'm sure I've gotten under #Barclays skin
calling #evil people #monsters, doesn't bother them for they are #monsters.... pointing them at a mirror so they can see themselves in glorious technicolour. Bringing their actions, dual standards, duplicitous lies and down right being cunts to clients is their gsame plan.
they've been caught in a lie, they've taken actions which have caused this outcome. What did they expect...? a simple breach of contract, which is easy to resolve. However Barclays seems to think I'm some how going to role over and they can rule the day.
I've explained what will happen, if they think otherwise they should try and test me... see howfar they get...
We're back with the Ombudsman, who's now looking at everything again, bearing in mind Barclays #lied
Listen the audio and make your own mind up....
PS if your a barclays clients my suggestion is simple choose a new bank....!
This is by far the strangest phone call, to date #Barclays seem to have an ability of making themselves look and sound like #scammers #phishing for details they should have... If I was a shareholder I'd be concerned to ever see a return from these self serving #lying (proven by me) #dickheads... who couldn't find their own #arseholes with both hands...!