Wonders will never cease, I had a call back from #Barclays appointed #Solicitors. #TLTllp He can't believe they don't want to negotiate after I explained what happened. So we had a 6mins of conversation which I'll need to request a copy of, unfortunately I was out and for some reason my phone didn't like to make the recording locally.
In our conversation, he even swore and said the situation was ridiculous in his opinion. I pointed out, I'd made three offers to settle and we went over the previous call in December2024 and Nick recalled that "yes, it was him that I spoke with back then!" He's now gone to call their client #BarclaysBank and ask them to call me.... Let's see what happens.... "I'm never paying #Barclays another penny....!" was the clear message that Nick from #TLTsolicitors took from our call till someone, calls me back to #negotiate. Cos Paying #Barclays is a waste of time, they had broken their contract with me by the act of #Debanking me. Which I pointed out, and the money I'm saving would be spent on expensive #solicitors, whatever was left I'd invest in booze and crisps cos watching this slow motion crash was going to be pretty exciting as a #spectator.

update 14th Jan 2025
TLT sent me a letter to confirm the content of my complaint... and they claim that this has been passed to Barclays their client. Let's see what happens.

All of this just raises more questions, So I've emailled the customer complaints team at TLT

And they've read it
