Seems I've become very popular With #Barclays call centre and I'm unsure why that is, I've been tryig to establish why I was debanked but ask the question... hadn't really worked so I turned to creating a series of Meme's about it.
Yesterdays call ... all of 44 seconds

Yesterday #Meme activity... I like to post to the 24/7 help line hosted by Twitter sorry X which is there for all enquiries... which they then don't answer...

I had a call in which they claim I didn't have an account so they could not have #DeBanked me which resulted in

Which lead to another enquiry to the 24/7 help line...

Which made me think hang on there's more to this....

Which always bring the argument on the internet back to yup you guessed it Hitler

And Now they want to talk to me.... wonder why..?
call booked for 10.00 today so they are atleast consistent in being late...
#LifeAtBarclays #ThisIsMe #MarketingFail or is it a success...?
been to the call was booked for 10.30 but she's running over so expect the call at 10.32 and they are late....
Sorry it's another 15mins (of the below audio) which you'll never get back but I've had 15 years of this, the simplest way to describe it is. #Barclays knew all about my accident, #Barclays knew about the injury compensation case and at a time of their choosing. They closed all my accounts without letting me know in advance, but it's not #DeBanking or making me a #DeBanked person. They did this for a reason, as they had moved my account to the collections team with whom I had been speaking, I informed them there was 25K inbound, I was abroad and everything was under control... So armed with this information they just closed all my accounts... but it's not #DeBanking cos that's something else... entirely....
So If the account was clsoed for other undisclosed reasons why didn't the follow up with wanting the 2K back, I presume my 25K inbound would have taken care of that issue.... but then were is my 23K which is mine...? and how when they knew all about me, did they come up with this action will not harm the individual...? Or their credit rating, or their ability to service a mortgage that's with the same bank...?
It just raises more questions in my opinion which someone will need to answer... but after 15 years of asking I established a fact which I already knew that "I had a #Barclays bank account"
Let the Meme's begin
recording made and used the terms for fair use, as waiting for Barclays to disclose the information on a SAR subject access request takes around 2 years.... if they can be bothered to even do it