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Negotiations over the last Year

Carl Wackan

For most of last year, I've tried to make sense of what #barclays claims is their version of reality.

1. They claim it wasn't them

2. They claim they can't make a mistake

3. They claimed I didn't have any rights to see the information about me

4. They used fear and intimidation to try and bully us in submission

5. They chose then to switch tactic and use Coercion to get me to agree to it all.

6. They continue to refuse to engage in dialog

7. Once the #financialombudsman was involved they agains switched tactic and choose silence instead of following the #financialombudsmans recommendation that negotiations should be the way forward.

My version of what happened

  1. I was nearly killed, I informed the bank that my legal action for compensation would take a while and cost money. However as the victim in this the payout would be large enough to cover any short to medium problems.

  2. #Barclays chose a course of actions, they chose to close my account with immediate effect, the outrcome was simple the time it took for any insurance to kick in, us to mobilise a defence and insurance claim was weeks if not months in the coming. The subsequent loss of earnings, the short fall in paying people, businesses and the mortgage to #Barclays was obvious. However #Barclays claimed this was my fault... that I was somehow guilty of surviving an accident, I still can't explain other than it nearly and by rights should have killed me. For nearly 15 years I've been stuck with that absolute fact. "I should be dead!"

  3. As for #Barclays claiming they don't need to show me all the paperwork, that's a simple lie.... It's some for of blocking tactic in the hope I will drop this.... well 15 years later and I've not dropped it yet.

  4. Fear ad Intimidation, anyone who knows me my background will know this will never work with me. Also to make change and improve other people's lives someone will have to stand up to these monsters. Organisations that appear to operate unchecked, bring harm to anyone that say "Hang on, but this can't be right!"

  5. It's my belief when they failed in bullying me, they tried to make success impossible and that this should also freighten me into submission, well I doubt we'll see the day. When I have to be affraid of some old guy in an office, that will truely be a unusual day in the village... The bank fails to realise if they push folks too hard it's more than likely they will come unstuck... Afterall there are rules on how complaints should be handled unless I've missed a memo, that anything goes..!

  6. I have struggled, my then #MPPhilipHammond who was the #Chancelloroftheexchequer got involved. I had a 90 minute meeting with him and he said "It didn't make sense". He went on to question how could this be happening..? Sadly he was also ignored by #Barclays Then my new #DrBenSpencerMP got involved, right in the middle of the #pandemic which seems such a long time ago. He also ended up being frustrated by #Barclays. Only Barclays know what their endgame is, but we remain in dispute and this shows no sign on moving forward and I look forward to them trying to explain their actions.

  7. #Thefinancialombudsman is involved and has been for years, we've made several offers to #Barclays to settle this matter, most of these offers have been considered reasonable and not one sided. However #Barclays still fails to engage, The Ombudsman found in our favour.... yet nothing has happened so I presume while I hope for a resolution I breath, and this resolution comes while I still breath.

Never give up hope, never give up...! if things happen in your life that are unacceptable, do not accept them... Change can only come if you actively seek it out..!



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