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My Offer to Settle this....

Carl Wackan

All along I've requested the information, I'm entitled to. All along I've been reasonable, I've listended and tried to place what I would like to the various people claiming to represent #Barclays.... I feel I've done more of the hardwork than anyone else in this dispute.

From the get go, I was honest with #Barclays, I explained how bad things had been. That things would be ok and there was nothing to worry about.... Barclays said they would support me, and then over night they turnedd their backs on me. Broke the contract and then claimed to still hold power over me... "They" #barclays can't grasp that having breaking the contract puts them outside of the whole game....

Barclays claims they are the victim and that I've been a bad person to them, all along I've tried to resolve this mess... they choose this the ombudsman recommended negotiations

I've made 3 offers to settle this these offers where considered reasonable by #Barclays staff, these will be the next recording I'll publish to show anyone who's interested that I've been consistent in my approach.... Not bad really for someone who's had to teach themselves to walk and talk again after nearly getting killed....

All my comments are made under the terms of fair comment, based on my expirience and interactions with #BarclaysUK



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