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little update 9th May 2023

Carl Wackan

So this blog has created a fair amount of interest, recently I had a comment from a #Barclays Employee. Who said she wasn't able to understand the issue of my complaint. This was after someone else contacted me and said, he had virtually the same expirience with #Barclays. Who basically closed his accounts, worse then changed the business overdraft without hs consent into a personal loan. Which he was unable to pay as he was diagnosed with cancer....

Hearing his story it further confirmed to me this was a well trodden path... from #BarclaysBank.

Just so we;re all on the same page, I've still not had my questions answered. "how did we get to this dispute..?"

So we all know the rough layout of the story, here it is omne more time, we've been #BarclaysCustomers for 5 years when. #Barclays told us they wanted to see a reduction in the company overdraft which stood at less than 10K for a business with a turn over of close to 400K this is a tiny amount of capital... I would argue this actually was a reason why we're had been held back from expanding.... as a business we'd been under capitalised. deliver jobs well above our size and had compnay growing pains.

I did ask why #BarclaysBusinessBanking wanted this, didn't really get an answer but agreed to reduce the overdraft inline with the requests. I was following the #Banks instructions... at the time of my accident the business was running at capacity. We'd been supplying equipment to many blue chip companies across various sectors. I think the over draft was now below 6K and we operated well inside that....

#Barclays had bought the company that held our mortgage amongst a number of accqusitions. It didn't bother me, we didn't get any updated files about the mortgage. Nobody contacted us the money was paid as per normal.... I only came to light after my near fatal accident, when I was auditted for the compensation claim. Some unusual information came to light, basically that the mortgage loan I had was simply impossible. When looked on the fact by fact basis.

I informed #Barclays of this and that I'd had an accident and I was on the road to recovery. That the business was fine we had a healthy quantity of jobs in our advance order book and that, things would be a little complex as I was in the middle of taking a legal action against the people that had nearly killed me...

The first thing I notice while abroad working, that my debit cards stopped working, #Barclays had closed my business account, without any warning. #Barclays had siezed around 30K of the companies money... without any explanation and when I finally got back to complete the "fuckery" #Barclays had clsoed my personal accounts as well....

I tried to get an explaination, without much success. Barclays claimed what I said had happened was impossible, but it was entirely possible. I was completely at their mercy and #Barclays chose not to show mercy. They claimed to be acting for the benefit of the share holders....

Here is the start of the dispute, I then spent 10+ years asking "why..?" and the answers only raise more questions. Which go unanswered.

#Barclays in that time, tresspassed on my claim for compensation, resulting in the claim instead of being settled for the expected 1 million pounds. That I was sued for the costs incurred by my solicitors.

#Barclays tried to repossess my home, when explained to their solicitors. This was an actionable case these legal professional excused themselves and claimed never to have been engaged in this matter.

#Barclays then clamed they'd send someone negotiate with me, this person. Threatened my wife, tried to break into our home and later confronted me. When I asked what his role was in #BarclaysBank he claimed to be an field agent and not to be from #Barclays. I pointed out he needed to leave and not return or I would call the police.

Since then #barlcays refuses to send me the information I've requested and have a right to see, #Barclays chooses to ignore the #FinancialOmbudsmans recommendation of negotiations, instead playing the rules stating that a recommendation to negotiation is not an istruction too negotiate.... Typical Lawyers #Bullshit

So here we are I make these comments under the termsn= of fair comment, I've explained my position and complied with everything I've been requested to do... Barclays asked me to pay in the region of 60K last year. Claimed that if I did that we could change the mortgage, this appears to have been a lie. They've now invited me to make another series of payments which will be between 60-70K this year and then Barclays will be happy to negotiate.... If something based in previous expirience looks like #Bullshit.... it's probably #BarclaysBullshit....

Barclays would like all the benefit of claiming that we are in a contract, which they broke by closing my account. However Barclays doesn't like the idea of this and chooses to claim that I broke the agreement.... which is a lie...!

Barclays can't explain themselves and now chooses silence as a weapon in the hope I'll go away....

Barclays are a bunch of spineless wankers in my opinion, I've made three offers to settle this... and even #BarclaysEmployees see merit in my proposal... however the SLT of Barclays choose to or refuse to answer me.



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