So we've had another peice of interaction, the questions posed are simple to answer.
Question 1
I can't understand the reason or nature of your complaint
My answer
Well it's simple, either #Barclays and I where in a contract, or we're not. If a contract exisited then it was Barclays who left the contract at the point I was #DeBanked
Question 2
I got abit lost in your complaint, you seem to go off track can you explain that
My Answer
Well it's been 12+ years, I was nearly killed told #Barclays what happened to me and at first the claimed to be supportive, then they changed their minds and #DeBanked me closing all my accounts. This happened while I was being examined and tested for the amount of damage the accident caused to me. So it is what it is, I have a #BrainInjury #Barclays has not made any adjustment to how I'm treated, they actively tried to bring hard to me, with threats and penalties... while not answering questions posed under the #FOI so on a personal basis I'm doing alright for soomeone that by all rights should be dead. More importantly just because I struggle to express myself or the issues at hand, that does not mean I don't have a point....
Question 3
The money how did you get to this 100K of debt..?
My Answer
Well when #Barclays walked away from me, I was unable to get another account. #Barclays had destroyed my credit rating out of spite, as I had dared to standup to the Corporate Monster. At the smae time #Barclays claimed they contract they left and abandoned was still in place. So they where correct to charge me late fees, as I was unable to pay anyone including #Barclays as #Barclays had closed my account. So charging interest upon interest. Threatening me with repossession and legal action all of which I would have to pay as it would be added to debt. All this while not answering my questions. Refusing to honour the insurance I had in place incase I was injured and unable to pay...
My thoughts on #BarclaysBank....
Where to start, we've been treated like dirt and that being polite, we've been lied to, lied about, ignored, marginalised, threatened, coerced. While #Barclays chooses to ignore the problem that is of their own making.... #Barclays has chosen this action, I didn't set out to be #DeBanked My wife didn't set out to be too afraid to answer the door to strangers. These things have been done to us.
#Barclays chooses this path, my opinions are based in what has, was and is, being done to us....!
While #Barclays does nothing except complain thatI'm saying bad things about them, perhaps if they stopped being #Arseholes we could move forward...?