Someone dropped me a message and asked if I wasn't concerned about what I've written about Barclays, as they might take a legal action against me.
So I had to look upnthe following
Dictionary Definitions from OED
noun: complaint; plural noun: complaints
1. a statement that something is unsatisfactory or unacceptable. "I intend to make an official complaint"
Get back the very start, I reported my complaint and understanding of the facts to the bank, I advised them of the situation, I was proactive in tyring to find a solution. I was met with a zero effort to do the same from them, I wasn't taken seriously. Nothing was done. #barclays then actively worked against us, tried to intimidate, frieghten and bully us into submission. This is a fact #barclays then went on to disguise it's replies and obfuscate the material facts, to try and shine a favourable light on them. At which they also failed....
I reported them to the ombudsman who found in my favour, #barclays was informed of this and it was recommended by the Ombudsman that #barclays and I should negotiate.
Since then I've been ignored as #barlcays claims a recommendation isn't an instruction and so does not need to take any actions.
The matter is left unresolved and the complaint is left unanswered, which leads me to have the right to say as I like. They are more than welcome to contact me and make a counter offer to the offers I put before them. I also allows me to use language that in my opinion is fair, just, equitable, impartial, unbiased, dispassionate, objective mean free from favour toward either or any side. fair implies a proper balance of conflicting interests. a fair decision just implies an exact following of a standard of what is right and proper.
All I ask is for fair treament by #barclays who by their own hand can not claim to have done anything of the sort.
All we know as a fact is we're here, they brought about how we got to here and now choose not to answer for fear of damaging their own position, perhaps they should have thought about that before trying to coerce me into committing fraud. Trying to break into my home and threatening me.