So 12+ years after closing my account, #Barclays sends me an email "I can go a look at my statement and online account"
I don't have access to.... the account, I was #DeBanked in 2010 they kept my £25,000 that was paid in on the day of me being #DeBanked... #Barclays ignores my questions, refuses to engage, refuses to negotiate and refuses to deal with the problem we find ourselves in.... At the Hand of the Bank, yup #Barclays has created this mess and refuses to deal with it
Yet they invite me to look at my statement, and in the same breath they refuse to send me the passcode for the USB key that's meant to have an electronic version of my whole file...
These people are Moron's or I'm being treated like this and they know exactly what they're doing....!

Just incase anyone seems to think I'm making it up... Above is the USB key filled with I have no idea what... I can't access that either....
Choose a Bank to help manage your money.... but don't choose #Barclays cos they are utterly crap at anything other than taking your money....