So here we are #Barclays reaches a new level of understanding with clients sorry victims of their activities... Apparently it's my fault
Get #Debanked is actually the fault of the person, being
Don't get answers to questions, which your entitled to get answer too. Well you shouldn't be asking them questions
Can't access get access to the online electronic files which has taken 10 years of asking to get, the asnwer came back well I can see them....
It's not what #Barclays can or can't, it's about what is right and obviously is expected of them. The ombudsman found that the treatment at the hands of #Barclays was awful they found in my favour and recommended #negotiations Which has been turned into we'll just drag this out for longer
I'm just processing the next recording #Barclays and I are involved in to try and get some answers.... #customerexpirience #lifeatbarclays #customerslast #ombudsman #bankingisforbankers #isitok