Turns out the #FCA has a set of rules for the Banks behaviour, and it's against the rules if tha bank charges interest upon the interest, or prevents the mortgage holder from making resonable changes to make the mortgage more affordable.
#Barclays told me that while we are in dispute, I was not allowed to sell the house, I was not able to change the mortgage. I pointed out this was effectively holding me to ransom in our own home. After I was #debanked All that and #Barclays destroyed my credit rating so it was impossible to make any changes even if I could. All of which is against the FCA rules and is described in great details. So I guess I'll be writing to them again and if I don't get an answer I'll make another complaint again 15 years they trampelled all over me and my rights.... #Barclays #Liars #Cheats and #Thieves