As this has been going on for 15 years, and everytime we seem to move forward #Barclays chooses to stop talking. It reminds me of South American Death Squads, being asked to investigate the actions of South American Death Squads.... the findings of these enquiries won't amaze anyone...
YUP, Barclays yet again claims they've got a golden ticket and have done nothing wrong....!

#Barclays has yet again investigated themselves and has found nothing wrong in their actions, This must mean #Lying is part of the standard working day at #Barclays offices. Which should raise a few eyebrows at the #FinancialConductAuthority #FCA
So if you have any doubts do listen to the audio clip in which they admit to lying but claim it was such a long time ago.... Does this mean it's historical #Lying and does not meet the threshhold to make it real everyday modern #lying.... But hold on I told them back in 2010 when 2010 was the now... they've #lied ever since and on the balance of probability lied beforehand which is interesting
So hear we are and let's start again cos at some point, tney will have to answer me, cos the #lies don't cut it anymore