Still awaiting the passcode for the USB key I've been sent by #Barclays, from the #customerservice team which according to #Barclays contains evidence that nothing unusual happens on our phonecalls.... and that everything is conducted in everyday #Banking terms Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Also I'm also still awaitng the email which appears to have been sent but hasn't arrived yet, it's only been in delivery for 5 weeks.... Which will be a word searchable document, instead of the 1,000's of pages of A5 print they've (apparently sent by accident to a disabled person who can't see tiny writing) which as expected was unreadbale with the naked eye.... and bearly readable with a good magnifier....

Anyway so here we are, I've had a couple of letters not worth the effort telling me that should I wish the complain the process is via the #Ombudsman....
Which raises a few questions, are #Barclays trying to refer themselves to the #ombudsman as they don't want to talk about their below par effort #CustomerService. #LifeAtBarclays In broadest of terms as they lack the skillset to negotiate as per the Ombudsman's recommended steps #negotiate and #settle as per the report sent 5 more than 4 years ago.
Or does #Barlcays #ItsAllHappeningHere say this is a new dispute and again the #Ombudsman is the best course of action..? #CustomerService
Either way it makes you think, what's the purpose..? #Barclays and I are stuck, neither party keen to budge.... I maintain this is now a frustrated contract, #Barclays substantially changed the terms. Of What we had a Bank account, with financial products hanging off it. They withdrew #DeBanked me without my consent and then tried to force me to accept new terms. Sustantial New terms in their favour and to which I could not agree. As they tried to force, coerce and otherwise threatenened me. They played their hand, they started and caused it all, and somehow think they are the injured party, it suggest to me. Their Eye's are bigger than their stomaches..... Let's see if there's any post today....
(I doubt it but I suppose I have to wait and see, as ew're now in a waiting game)....
I still can't believe I have something in common with #NigelFarage then again I was #DeBanked way before him, and he;s just following the pack trying to find something to keep himself in the newspapers such as #TheTimes, #TheTelegraph #GuardianNewsPapers or get himself on TV #BBCNews #watchdog #IsItOK it's hard do see how this really is gonna play out.