Well it's been very quiet here, I've sent off 2 more FOI "subject access requests" to get simple answers. Which are why was I #debanked and was there a specific set of rules applied to my account. #CustomerExpirience would suggest that if a set of rules where used how are individual cases judged or worse is this simply applied to all #clients...?
Back to the letter, it basically says nothing offers no explanation just says they don't have to answer anymore questions.
Which now leads me to ask, how do they deal with answering questions about questions that haven't been answered...? So perhaps I need to ask this via a FOI I might include questions about other things... such as how many staples do they buy and the number of pencils broken down in type and region. As I really want to know how many H2 versus B3's are used in the north south divide....
That'll keep someone busy for a while....